Reflections Art Program

“Accepting Imperfection”

That’s the theme for the 2024-25 Reflections Art Program, which has been bringing the arts to life for more than 10 million students since 1969. California State PTA and its members, families and kids are on the forefront of this amazing program, which increases community awareness of the importance of arts in education.

Reflections encourages students of all ages to:

  • Unleash creative talents and be inspired

  • Express themselves imaginatively in their artwork

  • Experience the fun and joy of making art

  • Tap into critical thinking skills to create art inspired by the annual theme

  • Receive positive recognition for their original works of art.


Artworks are submitted first to school-level PTAs, where they are first recognized, celebrated and judged by five grade-level divisions, the Special Artists division celebrates student artists with special needs. School PTAs then choose a selection of entries to be judged by local PTA units, which are then sent on to councils and then districts for consideration. The final artworks submitted to California State PTA by districts are then considered for Outstanding Interpretation, Awards of Excellence or Awards of Merit. Outstanding Interpretation and Award of Excellence entries then go on to represent California in the final National PTA judging round.

All students attending PTA schools sponsoring the program are invited to participate and submit original artwork in one of six areas:

  • Dance Choreography

  • Literature

  • Photography

  • Film Production

  • Music Composition

  • Visual Arts

“‘Accepting Imperfection’ is a reminder to myself that mistakes are welcome because they are a part of being human. Our flaws are as much a part of us as our strengths, so being imperfect should be perfect enough for us.” - Paige Opaska, creator of this year’s Reflections theme!

What does “accepting imperfection” mean to your child?

They are invited to submit their original artwork to the front office by September 20. Please label your artwork with Childs Full Name, Grade, Teacher, Name of Artwork and what category.

Click here to register online!

Questions? Contact our awesome volunteer!

Brie Conlon:

Official PTA Name: Las Palmas Elementary PTA

PTA 8-digit ID: 00007671

We will have a night in October ( date to be announced soon) where we will showcase all art submitted and give out awards and recognition for all participants.

Have questions, ideas or feedback?

We’d love to hear from you.

Fill out the form below and let’s connect!